SMEEF Website > Restoration Toolkit > Permissions > What is the difference between a licence, consent, permission and lease?



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What is the difference between a licence, consent, permission and lease?

This can seem like challenging territory but a lot of help is available. The terms licence, consent, permission, permit and lease can sometimes be used interchangeably which can cause confusion. The following is a guide only, talk to the relevant bodies concerned and use the pre-application forms provided to discuss what is needed for your project:

  • Scottish Governments Marine Directorate – Licensing Operations Team (MD-LOT) regulates ‘licensable marine activities’ including placing or removing items (from moorings to native oysters) on the seabed
  • Crown Estate Scotland agree leases which are like a rental agreement for the seabed
  • Consents and permits are usually terms used about areas regulated by SEPA such as water quality and pollution control
  • Species licences are managed either by NatureScot – terrestrial species, research related activities etc., whilst licences relating to cetaceans – European Protected Species – are managed by MD LOT.
  • Fish health, including fish and shellfish diseases, is managed by the Fish Health Inspectorate
  • Local Authorities may also need to be involved should your project require planning permission

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