
If the Scottish coastline were to be stretched in a straight line, it would reach from Scotland all the way to Australia! Our coasts host the majority of the the UK’s sand dunes, an impressive 71% of all of Great Britain’s coastal sand resource. From saltmarsh to sand dunes to cliff habitats, the Scottish coast is home to a diverse group of organisms including seabirds, reptiles, amphibians and even bats.

Unfortunately, costal habitats are at risk. From dunes covered with conifer plantations, lost to development or damaged by invasive non-native species to salt marsh habitats suffering from erosion and changes to sediments and nutrients, we have damaged or lost a huge proportion of these important habitats.

To tackle some of these challenges, SMEEF has created the ‘Coastal’ theme. This theme will support projects that are working towards protecting and improving the quality, abundance and diversity of coastal habitats and species.

Our Coastal theme is currently closed. For updates, please register for our newsletter by emailing