How to acknowledge your grant

Guidance for applicants:

One of the conditions of receiving funding from SMEEF is that you acknowledge our funding during your contract period as outlined in your funding offer. We may also ask you to tell us how you will acknowledge our funding in your application

1. What must I do to acknowledge your contribution?

You should use:

  • The SMEEF logo
  • our funding support statement:

‘This project is supported by the Scottish Marine Environmental Enhancement Fund (SMEEF).’


2. Use of logos

All grant recipients are requested to use the SMEEF logo on any relevant materials associated with the grant activities.  This includes signage at site works. If requested, you must provide us with photographs, or transparencies, or high-resolution digital images, including video images of your project.

Unless agreed in writing, in advance, the logo, or any other branding, associated with NatureScot, the Scottish Government’s Marine Directorate, Scottish Government or Crown Estate Scotland, should NOT be used in connection with your SMEEF grant. The following clarifying statement may be used on any materials associated with your grant “The Scottish Marine Environmental Enhancement Fund is an initiative supported by the Scottish Government’s Marine Directorate, NatureScot and Crown Estate Scotland.”


3. How do I get the logo and guidelines?

You can download the SMEEF logo HERE.

You must use the logo as outlined in the guidelines and you must not distort the shape or adjust the color of the logos.


4. SMEEF Logo

In SMEEF publications and documents the logo should always be placed in the upper left or lower left corner of the front page.

At A4 size, the logo should ideally be 50mm in width. To ensure visibility and legibility the minimum size for the logo is 35mm wide.

The colour logo should be the preferred version of choice and should always be in strong contrast with the background. When placed over a photographic background use the white (shown on a blue background) or black version, whichever is more legible and effective.


Century Gothic         Headings Text

Corbel                      Body Text


5. When and where to use the logo

If you receive funding from us, you must make sure that you acknowledge our funding wherever possible. This will depend on your project. The table below outlines examples of where and how you could do this.

Publications – leaflets, booklets, guides, posters, DVDs or reports produced by or for your project.
Publicity materials and events – your project/organisation’s website or press and media releases about your project.
Interpretation boards and signage – information or display panels and signage produced by or for your project.
Site based projects – a building or outdoor space your project is taking place in or contributing to.
Staff post (directly funded by us) – in a job description or recruitment advert for a staff post.


6.. Can I acknowledge your contribution in other ways too?

We welcome any other ideas you may have to acknowledge our funding for your project. You will need to agree this with us before you use them and we will need to approve any designs.


7. Working with the Media

To ensure we work with the media in a careful and co-ordinated way, you should follow the media protocol below.

Media Protocol
Name of fundScottish Marine Environmental Enhancement Fund
ToneThe tone of external communications will be positive, open, honest and factual, even if faced with criticism.
Media queries/contactsYou should inform SMEEF of any media queries as soon as possible. If time allows, send statements to SMEEF for review before sending them to the media.
News releases and publicitySMEEF should always be credited, if possible, in any news releases, articles and other publicity items.

All news releases must acknowledge the funding received from SMEEF and the amount of funding allocated to the project; when it has been formally awarded and the offer of funding accepted.

Copies of news releases should be retained for audit purposes.

Broadcast interviews


Please inform SMEEF of any requests for radio or TV interviews.

Please consider, if appropriate, SMEEF staff as potential interviewees. Verbal communications (e.g. media interviews, public talks) must acknowledge Scottish Marine Environmental Enhancement Fund support and give credit to SMEEF as circumstances permit.

Pool video and images



Commissioned or in-house newsletter/magazine articles

Internal video/images captured during the lifetime of the project remain the copyright of the funding recipient.  These should be made freely available to SMEEF on request.

Commissioned and website articles should acknowledge SMEEF with the agreed information about the project. Applicants should seek to publicise the project in their internal communications – e.g. Intranet, in-house publications – whenever possible. Proofs should be sent to SMEEF before publication, whenever possible.



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