Flapper Skate / Shetland

The flapper skate is the largest and most endangered skate species in Scottish waters due largely to various anthropogenic threats. Flapper skate populations are now thought to be concentrated in areas of the West Coast and Northern Isles. The UHI Shetland team has embarked on a project to address knowledge gaps by the collection of vital baseline data on the population, distribution, movement, and critical habitats of flapper skate. It is the most ambitious surveying and tagging program for flapper skate in Shetland waters.

UHI Shetland received £23,683.18 in the SMEEF 2023/24 grant round for this work. This was our first fully privately financed round made possible by donations from businesses interested in restoring and enhancing Scotland’s coasts and seas. Contributors are listed here. For more information about how to contribute to SMEEF contact.

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