RSPB / Udale Bay

The RSPB’s nature reserve at Udale Bay covers 382 ha of wet grassland, saltmarsh and intertidal mud in the Cromarty Firth. It is internationally important for wintering waterbirds, with small numbers of breeding birds using the wet grasslands above mean high water springs. About 10 years ago, a part of a seawall protecting a non-designated field at the reserve failed. This allowed tides to enter into the field and since then new saltmarsh has started to develop. However, this also means that neighboring properties are undefended from the sea. This project is looking at ways to allow the saltmarsh to continue to develop whilst protecting neighboring properties.

The RSPB received £10,037.36 in the SMEEF 2023/24 grant round for this work. This was our first fully privately financed round made possible by donations from businesses interested in restoring and enhancing Scotland’s coasts and seas. Contributors are listed here. For more information about how to contribute to SMEEF contact


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