Wester Ross Fisheries Trust – Wester Ross Seagrass Project
The aim of this project is to restore a seagrass bed at Inverasdale, Loch Ewe, Wester Ross. The restoration area is within the Wester Ross Marine Protected Area, where living fragments of a former seagrass bed were present until around 2010. An initial area of 0.5ha will be targeted, with potential for additional restoration of seagrass beds over a greater area within the Loch Ewe area over future years.
A key element of the project will be the development of methods using seagrass fragments washed up on local shores after storm events as the main donor material for restoration. Cultivation of these fragments and rhizomes will take place in nursery ponds close to the restoration site. This will keep transportation distances of the seagrass low and minimise the use of non-local materials.
The project will be delivered by Wester Ross Fisheries Trust (WRFT), based in Gairloch (www.wrft.org.uk). WRFT are a registered charity focusing on the conservation and enhancement of native freshwater fish and their inland and coastal water environments. As seagrass is an important habitat for young sea trout and other migratory salmonids, this project is key to wild fish conservation work. The project will include partnership with local marine conservation groups and community volunteers. Prospective volunteers are welcome, please email Sue at admin@wrft.org.uk if interested.