SMEEF Website > Restoration Toolkit > Restoration & Enhancement > What guidance is available for saltmarsh restoration?

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Restoration & Enhancement

What guidance is available for saltmarsh restoration?

The UK & Ireland Saltmarsh Restoration Handbook describes all types of saltmarsh restoration techniques, providing guidance on target setting, success criteria, project timelines, licencing and policy considerations and post-development monitoring.

NatureScot has also undertaken substantial work to pull together guidance in their Marine and Coastal Enhancement Guidance Report. The project report associated with the guidance document (Chambers et al., 2022) provides a substantial amount of further guidance on saltmarsh enhancement and experience from case studies.

SMEEF has also supported projects involving saltmarsh protection and restoration. Check out this case study on Udale Bay.

The current key guidance documents relevant to enhancement in Scotland are listed in the checklist – use this to create a bespoke work list for your group.

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There are many useful sources of information about Saltmarsh in Scotland. You should begin by reading the relevant section of the NatureScot report below and then consult the other sources of guidance.

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